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Friday, April 16, 2010

Journal #4

Weller, T.J. (2010, March/April). Playing with skype. Learning & Leading, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=

This article discuses the use of Skype in a music classroom. Skype is a way to make usually free phone calls over the internet. With a webcam the conversation can also be turned into a videoconference, where the people who are talking are able to view each other in real time. The author thought of the idea when trying to have the student connect with the musician who wrote the piece of music they were working on in class. Weller states that the requirements for this interaction are minimal and with the help of technology staff at his school he was able to bring the composers to his classroom via Skype. Not only was this experiment worthwhile and meaningful to the students, it was also easy for the composers to connect and use Skype on their end. Since the experiment went so well, the author felt the amount of time it took to figure out was worth it. It also made him think about how professionals from other fields could be brought in to the classroom to exposed to students to career paths they may not know are out there.

I have used Skype before when making calls on a vacation where I was out of the country. It was easy to use and the fees associated were so much less than using my cell phone. The connection was also good just like my cell phone. I agree with the author in that it is an excellent way to bring the outside world to the classroom.

Question 1

In a science class how could I use this tool to enrich my students in a lesson?

If the technology was available for me to use at the school I was working for I could contact any sort of scientist from the area of our lesson. For example if the lesson was on volcanoes, contacting a volcanologist and have him/her talk about what they have found in their studies. Like the virtual field trips this is just another was to contact the outside world to enrich the lesson for the students.

Question 2

What should I do if some students are not paying attention while I am using Skype to interact with a professional?

I think it would be helpful to discuss the behavior that is required of students while we have this interactive lesson. One way would be to send home a letter to parents discussing what will be happening on a particular date. Inform the students of expected behavior; maybe even list it on the board. If behavior is poor during the lesson the student will need to be sent out of the classroom. Have a planned “go to” room like the office or another class. Talk with the other teacher or office if one of your students were to show up what is expected of them. Make sure they have work to do or a book to read. Have this in place before that day’s videoconferencing, so if interrupted during the conversation the student can leave quickly.

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